Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Garden

The roses are just starting - a lot of hardy climbers and small shubby ones - all pink, because I think roses should be pink and a little loose in the blossom ... and it's my garden.

I tend to like small flowered Irises - referred to as "miniature tall bearded" in the trade. They are more graceful and stand up to wind and rain better. Looking at the garden the other day, I made mental note to get rid of most of the extreme patterned ones, and concentrate on the blues, purples and whites. There are also some native species and the Siberian Irises are just starting. At the bottom of the far top picture is a stunning little Iris Setosa Nana , which will stop visitors in their tracks but it really doesn't photograph well - or  I can't photograph it well.

1 comment:

Keith Hackland / Alamo Inn B&B said...

What a wonderful garden. I'd love to spend a Sunday afternoon there enjoying it or working on it.