On Friday evening and Saturday we were a stop on the Art Center Garden Tour fund raiser. We were fortunate to host Carine Rofshus, who will be attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago on a scholarship in the Fall. A good draw.
Friday started out raining so we set up her pictures in the entry and kitchen on steel grid easels. It cleared up and we had a good late turn-out. Saturday was sunny, hot and very humid. We set her easels up outside in the entry garden. We had a great turn-out, over 200 visitors. Some visitors even came back both days which was gratifying.
After checking and reviewing Carine's work, the guests came down the hill past the rock garden and turned to walk under the arborvitae archway into the hidden garden.
The guests all seemed to enjoy the bicycles on the trellis, which surprised me. After enjoying the lushness of the hidden garden a number of visitors went through the trellis arch in the walkway through the prairie flowers down to the lake.
Then back up through the "weed" garden to the more formal garden again.
Then then a right turn back through the arbor arch past the Growlery (with a stop to look at bird photographs and hopefully buy one to support the Art Center.
Lorna's sister's house next door framed by the arch.
People experienced art, saw some gardens .... and at 1410 they bought some photos for the Art Center and some paintings for Carine's college expenses. A good day.
Gunnar B.